Based on the principles, values and professional profile described above, we have developed a basic list of precepts that reflect our commitment at all levels, that is to say, the ethical framework within which we develop our work: with ourselves, with Our co-workers, with our clients, with the authorities and third parties and, finally, with the society.
- In the face of the law, we strive to be objective and independent, and we encourage its strict compliance.
- We seek to be better leaders every day, for our personal and professional development, but also for the development of the study and our community. In that sense, we encourage the leadership at all levels of our clients.
- We are committed not only to keeping our professional knowledge up to date, but also to researching our areas of expertise to promote fair and useful legislation, and to share our knowledge through teaching.
- We understand the value of family and participation in extra-curricular activities, especially in matters of social responsibility.
- We build relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
- We communicate openly and honestly.
- We encourage teamwork at all levels.
- We consult each other and value the perspectives of those who have a different opinion than ours.
- We care about the personal and professional development of our co-workers and promote continuous training.
- We retro-feed information permanently, in a constructive way.
- We are alert to personal conflicts and take immediate and appropriate means to solve them in time.
- We work to sustain and promote the trust that customers place in us, through honesty at all levels. We are prepared to provide quality services that quickly, clearly, usefully and thoroughly solve the problems of our clients.
- We are convinced that the best legal advice we can give is to enforce the law, unless it is notoriously unfair.
- We reject the payment of unduly paid or contributions, as well as the promise or delivery of undue benefits to authorities, officials or public servants for a moral conviction, but also convinced that doing so is involving a criminal problem to Our customers.
- We are courageous to the challenges posed by our clients and we are not afraid to provide negative information to them.
- We maintain appropriate documentation of our clients ‘ business.
- We never destroy or alter documents, nor do we recommend their destruction or alteration for illegal or immoral purposes.
- We charge a fair fee according to the proposals accepted by the customers.
- We report the time