At Barrios & Fuentes, Abogados (BAFUR) we maintain our shared value proposition and our commitment to contribute to the social development of the country; therefore, we provide pro bono legal assistance to those individuals or non-profit associations that require our knowledge and resources for this purpose, deploying our actions in the field of social responsibility on three well-defined fronts:
Imbued with a spirit of solidarity with the neediest, our firm provides free professional advice to various institutions engaged in social works in favor of the poor. In this way, we reach the neediest in an efficient and organized way. Among the social welfare institutions that we support under the modality of “Pro Bono” are the following:
Peruvian American Medical Society for Peru (PAMS for Peru)
Non-profit association dedicated to promoting improvements in the quality of medical care in Peru, especially for those most in need, and the improvement of medical education in Peru. It is an institution that operates under the aegis of the Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS), integrated by Peruvian doctors residing in the United States of America, dedicated to provide medical-educational assistance oriented to the population of scarce economic resources at a national level, carrying out free medical missions in different specialties in the poorest areas of Peru.
St. Vincent Association of Charities (Vincentian Volunteers)
Non-profit association dedicated to providing material and spiritual assistance to the elderly, witnessing the charity of Christ and the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul. They provide assistance under the Vincentian concept of “organized charity”.
Aprendo Contigo Association
Non-profit association established with the purpose of creating, developing, implementing, and evaluating educational and recreational programs for children, youth, and adults in order to encourage those involved to continue their studies – interrupted by medical care requiring hospitalization – when they leave the hospital treatment in the inpatient modality. It develops a commendable work with children at the Institute of Neoplastic Diseases – INEN and at the National Institute of Children’s Health – INSN.
San Isidro Association for the Protection of Children.
Non-profit institution that provides social assistance for poor children by offering Christian education and assistance to economically disadvantaged children. They run an emblematic school from nursery, kindergarten, primary, normal, and technical high school.
Angels of Charity and Music Association
Non-profit organization whose purpose is charity and social assistance for poor, homeless, orphaned, and abandoned children, regardless of their ethnicity, origin, sex or religion.
Vicariato San Juan de Sahagun de ChulucanasCatholic religious association established as Regional Vicariate of the Province of Chicago of the Order of St. Augustine. It carries out extensive pastoral work in the highlands of the Piura Region and in other localities of Peru.
The Working Group of Non-Governmental and Related Organizations on Older Adults – Peru
Constituted by a group of institutions whose objective is to work with and for the elderly of our country, seeking to improve their quality of life through the impact in the spaces where government decisions are made, with the purpose of establishing policies of attention directed to them.
The Oberle Foundation
Institution of German origin that financially assists various local charities widely recognized in our country for their work with the underprivileged. Our support is focused in the line of consultancy to various charitable institutions that the foundation helps and that request it.
Also, in our desire to give our time and knowledge free of charge in favor of the needy and underprivileged, we assist various individuals who come to us for professional guidance.
Due to the spirit of solidarity that animates us, we collaborate by giving free legal advice to the labor unions institutions, of which we are part as advisors, members of Commissions and/or members of the respective Board of Directors and that in essence promote the development of the country through the freedom of enterprise and international trade. The reason to this effort is that we are convinced that development is the way to reduce poverty rates.